Wow! Magazines started arriving with our readers today and within hours, we'd SOLD OUT!

We were blown away by the number of pre-orders we received so to then sell out of our remaining copies on the same day the first batch dropped was just amazing. The support we've been shown from the very beginning, the feedback we've had, all the enthusiasm, it's been wonderful. We are so very grateful, all those late nights over the last few weeks have been so worth it!
We've already had loads of requests for a second print run, so if you want to add your name to the waiting list, you can do so here: and you'll be the first to know when we open orders again.
I'm so proud of the magazine we've created, it's hard to believe that just 7 weeks ago this was merely an idea!
For now, here are a few things people had to say about their copies:
"Oh Bex. It came. And I cannot tell you how much I love it. It is hands down the most beautiful magazine I've ever seen. And I've seen a LOT during my media days. Just wow."
"It's here! And it's full of beautiful images"
"Huge congratulations Bex & team. What a triumph"
"It's finally here. It's more amazing in 'real life'."
"Bex it's fabulous, I'm so thrilled with it! Well done xx"
"I got the magazine, it is AMAZING. Seriously such excellent quality. I am so impressed and happy.
I hope you print these often, beautiful work. I know how much effort you put in for this. It was all totally worth it."
"A beautiful and rich, full of soul magazine put together in just 7 weeks. Your drive, Bex Maini is mind-blowing. Congrats to all the team :)"
"We received the first #thisdetailedlife and we are so happy. Samhita saw her picture in it and was very excited. The quality of the magazine is excellent. Such amazing quality paper, beautiful images, wonderful articles, I am so honored to have my picture printed in this magazine. and her team have worked incredibly hard for this magazine and it shows. Go order your copy now."
We can't wait to get working on the next edition ;)