Edition 3 is SO nearly ready to go to print and we couldn't be prouder of this magazine! We're making final tweaks and proof reading and we've even seen a proof copy in real life (to check the colours are as wonderful as we need them to be) and it is looking AMAZING! A veritable rainbow from cover to cover, this magazine is sure to not only inspire you, teach you new techniques and ideas but also just plain cheer you up! Even if you don't need cheering up, I reckon you will feel even happier after flicking through these vibrant pages :D
This edition features a whopping 168 photographers from 23 countries around the world over 84 stunning pages! It is honestly our best edition yet so what are you waiting for?? Pre-order now at our special advance price for delivery by the 7th May to make sure you don't miss out on holding this in your hands!
Fancy a little sneaky peek at a few pages inside Edition 3? Of COURSE you do! ;)