Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you're all recovering from the sugar high today and managed to enjoy a safe and fun Halloween yesterday!
I have a beautiful collection of fancy dress and autumnal colour for you today, selected from our Facebook community to receive October's Editor's Choice Awards.
Don't forget our current edition of the magazine, is available to pre-order NOW at the special advance price for just 3 more weeks. We're celebrating all the things that matter while life is so uncertain at the moment, it is looking stunning and we can't wait to share Edition Two with you all in just ONE MONTH!
Big congrats to Christina Myhre, winning Top Shot for this gorgeous display of the changing colours of autumn! Please send me the high res version for publication in our Celebrate edition!

We'll be back earlier next month as I need the winner's image in time to be printed in the magazine so get posting your November images in the group asap!
Don't forget you can pre-order your copy of the magazine, don't miss out - there will only be one print run this time!