I absolutely love going through all of the amazing images submitted each month for DBTD blog posts. Even more so now our group is growing and I'm seeing more different styles from new photographers joining in. It's as difficult as ever to choose 12 to feature but here they are...
Congratulations Melissa Richards on winning this month's TOP SHOT! What a beautiful fish and that light is just stunning! Please email a high resolution version to thisdetailedlife@gmail.com so we can publish it in our Details By The Dozen gallery in the new magazine!
You might also notice our shiny new badge courtesy of our partner Carin Thakrar! She's designed the new logo for This Detailed Life magazine and made us some beautiful badges to share. If you'd like to post about being featured here, drop us an email and we'll send you one! :)

Future DBTD features for the blog will still be selected from the Facebook group but instead of prompting you to comment with your images, we want you to share them in the group all month long - show us your details using the hashtag for the current month. From tomorrow it's #DBTD_June.
Submissions have now closed for the first ever edition of This Detailed Life magazine and we're extremely busy behind the scenes with many late nights, meetings and discussions in our group about projects, images and layouts. We absolutely cannot wait to share this baby with you all! It's going to be so beautiful! Don't forget you can pre-order here. We'll be announcing our cover winner very soon!