Spring is well and truly springing up here with buds and daffodils, magnolias and cheery blossom, it's beautiful and we've even had some warm, sunny weather - so good for the soul!
Edition 3 of TDL magazine is well under way with almost all email notifications being sent (still tweaking a few pages here and there) and I can tell you it is looking STUNNING! It's definitely my favourite edition yet - a literal rainbow from front to back, it's bursting with vibrant colours and muted tones alike, a real feast for the eyes and bursting with talent and tips, we can't wait to get this issue in your hands! You can still pre-order here if you haven't already grabbed one at our special early bird price which will be ending soon.
As for our Facebook group, wow - you guys are blowing me away with such a great variety of gorgeous shots this month. Without further ado, here is this month's Top Shot winner and the other 11 details by the dozen Editor's Choice Award winners...
Congratulations to our Top Shot winner this month, Rebecca Walls! I love this sweet moment with the dust particles illuminated hanging in the air and all 3 guests concentrating intently on their tea party <3

Please send your high resolution image to thisdetailedlife@gmail.com for it to be published in Edition 3 of This Detailed Life magazine.

If you haven't already seen them, you might want to check out our new pin badges, coming soon to the TDL shop! They're proving pretty popular - which is your favourite?
And of course, don't forget to pre-order your copy of this vibrant edition of the magazine here: thisdetailedlife.com/order.
Have a great week!